Field Directions

Canyon Lake Little League - Field Directions/Information

Gault Field in Canyon Lake

Canyon Lake is a gated community. If you are a guest of a Canyon Lake Little League player you will need a Canyon Lake resident to call you in the gate. If you are visiting from another league for a game, your league will need to provide you with a gate pass. 29355 Longhorn Dr., Canyon Lake, CA 92587

Other Leagues - Field Directions/Information

Wheatfield Park - (WF)

30627 Menifee Road, Menifee, CA 92804

Winchester Park (WC)

32665 Haddock Street, Winchester, CA 92596

Freedom, Matich, Swick & T-Ball Fields

402 Limited Street Lake Elsinore, CA 92530

Temescal Valley Little League Fields. Sorry they have no direct link. 

Here are their field addresses -

TVLL Deleo Regional Sports Park Field 1 & 2
25655 Santiago Canyon Road
Corona, CA 92883
Horsethief Fields
13200 Shotgun Trail
Corona CA, 92883

Canyon Lake Little League California

31566 Railroad Canyon Rd., #651
Canyon Lake, California 92587

Email: [email protected]