Snack Bar Information

Canyon Lake Little League is a non-profit, all-volunteer, youth baseball organization.  Our snack bar is one of the most important parts of our community and is our primary source of fundraising for our league.  This is the reason we ask you to volunteer shifts in the snack bar.  However, the snack bar only works if we have every family taking care of their shift. 

How It Works

Each family is required to work 2-3 snack bar shift(s) per child they have in the league.

Please schedule your shift with your team representative once game schedules are sent out.  Team Rep will have the date, day, and time of shift(s).  If you do not pick your shift, your Team rep or the Snack Bar manager will automatically assign them to you.

You are responsible for coverage of your assigned shift in the Snack Bar. This can be a parent, grandparent, family member, “buyout” worker (see below), or “community hours” worker (see below). Parents, please DO NOT send your teenager to cover your shift.  Coverage must be approved by the snack bar manager, Tori Stout (949)698-8814.  If not approved, your snack bar check will be cashed. If you or the person you have lined up to cover your shift fails to show up for your assigned shift, we will be forced to cash your $100 snack bar deposit check within 24 hours without notice. 

IF you need to reschedule your shift, coordinate with the snack bar manager ASAP. 

The average shift is 3 hours.

During your shift, your duties may include setting up, preparing food (including barbecuing), sales, restocking, sweeping, mopping, and general cleaning.

You may not bring your children into the snack bar. Please make childcare arrangements for them if needed.

Deposit Check

A $100 snack bar shift promissory deposit check, one check per child you have in the league (max two $100 checks), is required before your child has their uniform issued...checks ONLYno cashier checks, money orders, or credit cards accepted.  Check should be written out to Canyon Lake Little League or CLLL.  This check is not deposited but held as a promise to work the snack bar.  Check is shredded after the season is over if you fulfilled your snack bar obligation.  The check will be cashed immediately if you fail to get approved coverage for your shift(s) or do not show up.

Exception: With Snack Bar Manager approval, cash will be accepted only if there is no option by the player's family to provide a deposit check.  If cash is given as your snack bar deposit, it is YOUR responsibility to request your refund from the snack bar manager within 48 hours of our final game of the season - ANY CASH refund not requested during those 48 hours will be forfeited and is considered a donation to our league and cannot be rolled to the next season.   If submitting a cash deposit, you need to sign the deposit document agreeing to the terms stated above.

Shift Time

We try our best to open the snack bar 15 minutes before game time so that players, coaches, and umpires can get anything they need so please arrive for your shift on time.  

Please sign your name next to your shift on the Sign-in In Sheet.  You must stay for the duration of your entire shift, or your check will be cashed. 

Snack Bar Tickets

This is a great alternative to providing a team snack. We offer snack bar tickets for $3.50 each. These can be used for a Hot Dog and capri sun and/or a water or just a slushie.  No cash value.  No cash back. No substitutions.

Buy Out Program

If you would rather “buy out” of your shift, CLLL has provided a list of approved snack bar workers that can be used if you choose not to volunteer.  To make those arrangements you will contact the worker directly and see if they are available for your date and time. The league is NOT responsible for any agreements made, or cancelations. 

Community Hours Program

If you would rather have “community hours” of your shift, CLLL has provided a list of approved snack bar workers that can be used if you choose not to volunteer.  To make those arrangements you will contact the worker directly and see if they are available for your date and time. If you will have a teen cover your shift please email the Snack Bar Scheduler.

Becoming an approved “community hours” worker

CLLL allows for teen volunteers in need of community service hours.  This teen will need to be approved by our snack bar manager.  


  1. Teenagers must be at least 15 years old to work
  2. Only 2 teens per shift are allowed. 
  3. High School document for community hours
  4. No teen will handle cash, cash register, or barbecue

Canyon Lake Little League California

31566 Railroad Canyon Rd., #651
Canyon Lake, California 92587

Email: [email protected]